Publication tender documents 2013 - 2016
Sunday 1 April 2012
Today, Stichting Incident Management Nederland has published the tender documents for the tender procedure for Recovery agreements for the period 1 April 2013 through to 31 March 2016. Any interested parties are called upon to study these documents and to participate in the tender procedure.
The published documents demonstrate numerous changes as compared with the tender documents applicable for Tender procedure 2010 - 2013. A number of these changes deserve special notice *:
- The service level relating to achieving arrival times has been altered (article 7.3 of the Recovery agreement). Between 23.00 and 05.00 hours, the standard time has been raised from 20 to 25 minutes. The number of callouts that must be undertaken within the standard time has been reduced from 90% to 80%.
- Recovery companies to which a district is awarded, will profit from above standard performance. The arrival times achieved over the coming contract period will be taken into account in the tender procedure 2016 - 2019 in assessing offers for the districts in which those arrival times were achieved. Further information about these issues will be notified in the awarding letters to be sent out later this year.
- The performance achieved by a company in a given district in the current contract period (2010 - 2013) forms one of the awarding criteria for assessing an offer submitted by that company for the district in question in the coming contract period (Tender procedure regulations, Chapter 5, paragraphs 2 and 3). It will continue to be worthwhile to perform above the standard. The performance delivered over the coming contract period will be taken into account in the next tender procedure.
- The undertaking of standby work has been included in the agreement at a fixed rate of € 60 per hour (article 6.5 of the Recovery agreement). Road managers have undertaken but are not required to award any standby work to the IM recovery company.
- Security callouts may be undertaken by a so-called security vehicle (article 6.3 of the Recovery agreement). The vehicle in question is a standard motor vehicle with a weight of at least 1,500 kilogrammes, in official colours and with official stickers and yellow flashing lights Quality requirements). Stichting Incident Management Nederland would point out that to date, it has received practically no callouts for security work.
- The registration costs for participating in the tender procedure have been scrapped.
- It is no longer necessary to submit an extract from the Trade register with the offer.
- Upon the awarding of a district, no signed agreement will be sent out. The Recovery agreement will be considered to have been established by the combination of offer and awarding letter (article 12.1 of the Recovery agreement).
- The Quality requirements 2013 - 2016 are practically identical to the Quality requirements 2010 - 2013. Certificates according to the requirements 2010 - 2013 issued before 1 May 2012 will be accepted as proof of compliance with the Quality requirements 2013 - 2016 (Chapter 6 of the Tender procedure regulations and article 8.1 of the Recovery agreement).
EThere are numerous other differences between the documents for the tender procedure 2013 - 2016 and the texts used in previous tender procedures. Stichting Incident Management Nederland advises all interested parties to carefully read the tender documents. For further explanatory notes, we refer to the tender procedures page.
*) No rights may be derived from the text of this message