Provisional awarding LCM
Wednesday 1 October 2008
The agreement between Stichting Incident Management Nederland (Stichting Incident Management Nederland) and the VerzekeraarsHulpdienst (VHD) on the operation of the Incident Management Coordination Centre Landelijk Centraal Meldpunt ("LCM") is due to expire on 30 June 2009. The agreement relates only to recovery activities involving passenger vehicles in respect of dealing with reports on both IM roads and reports on the underlying road network.
Stichting Incident Management Nederland is currently involved in a selection procedure, in consultation with Rijkswaterstaat and the Association of Insurers, that should result in the contracting of a new provider as from 1 July 2009. In the framework of this procedure, a provisional awarding decision was taken today, in favour of Mondial Assistance.
Over the next few months, tests will determine whether the Arrival Times System Incident Management (AIM) can be successfully integrated in the IT infrastructure at Mondial. A definitive awarding decision will be taken by 1 March 2009, at the earliest.