Merwede Bridge open to IM recovery companies

Wednesday 19 October 2016
IM recovery companies were exempted from the closure of the Merwede Bridge to trucks. When Co Baars of Automobielbedrijf Kooijman Vianen heard on 11 October that the bridge was closed to all truck traffic, he was worried that the A27 between Gorinchem and Werkendam had effectively become out of bounds for recovery vehicles. Kooijman is responsible for recovery work on and around the Merwede Bridge. Baars got in touch with Rijkswaterstaat and Stichting IMN. Both let him know that the company could continue its normal operations. In the event of problems, Kooijman was instructed to get in touch with the reporting parties. The day before yesterday it became clear this would not be necessary.

A recovery vehicle operated by Automobielbedrijf Kooijman Vianen on the Merwede Bridge on 17 October at 09:18 hours (images: VID)

A recovery vehicle operated by Automobielbedrijf Kooijman Vianen on the Merwede Bridge on 17 October at 09:18 hours (images: VID) A recovery vehicle operated by Automobielbedrijf Kooijman Vianen on the Merwede Bridge on 17 October at 09:18 hours (images: VID) A recovery vehicle operated by Automobielbedrijf Kooijman Vianen on the Merwede Bridge on 17 October at 09:18 hours (images: VID)

A recovery vehicle operated by Automobielbedrijf Kooijman Vianen on the Merwede Bridge on 17 October at 09:18 hours (images: VID) (beelden: VID)

Kooijman rukte om 09:08 uur uit voor een melding op A27 Re 32,7. Dit is ten zuiden van de brug op de rijbaan naar Utrecht. Een verkeerscamera van de VerkeersInformatieDienst ("VID") registreerde hoe het bergingsvoertuig van Kooijman, na aanhouding door de politie, zijn weg kon vervolgen. Inmiddels wordt gewerkt aan een formele ontheffing. Die zal ook gelden voor bergingen die Van Egeraat Berging en Transport moet uitvoeren op een stuk van de oostbaan van de A27 dat net voorbij de afrit Werkendam ligt.

Co Baars van Automobielbedrijf Kooijman Vianen bij de Merwedebrug

Co Baars of Automobielbedrijf Kooijman Vianen by the Merwede Bridge (photograph: Michiel van Beers)

Merwede Bridge open to IM recovery companies

Wednesday 19 October 2016
zzz IM recovery companies were exempted from the closure of the Merwede Bridge to trucks. When Co Baars of Automobielbedrijf Kooijman Vianen heard on 11 October that the bridge was closed to all truck traffic, he was worried that the A27 between Gorinchem and Werkendam had effectively become out of bounds for recovery vehicles. Kooijman is responsible for recovery work on and around the Merwede Bridge. Baars got in touch with Rijkswaterstaat and Stichting IMN. Both let him know that the company could continue its normal operations. In the event of problems, Kooijman was instructed to get in touch with the reporting parties. The day before yesterday it became clear this would not be necessary.
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