Farewell in style

Monday, February 9, 2015 (update March 17, 2015
Dirk-Jan Cretier van Cretier Berging en Transport During the fourth quarter of 2014, four recovery companies carried out their final car recovery on the Dutch main road network. Their farewell was in style, with arrival times of well below the twenty-minute target. For Cretier Berging en Transport, the last call-out came on the evening of Thursday 27 November at 20:50 hours. The recovery involved a collision on the A59 motorway near Vlijmen. After nine minutes and five seconds, two recovery vehicles arrived at the scene. By 21:31 hours, the road was once again clear. Four days later, Cretier handed over recovery work on this road section to Van Eijck International Car Rescue.

The departing companies in this way contributed to a quarter marked by excellent arrival times. In the months October, November and December 2014, a total of 15,552 recovery operations were carried out on the Dutch main roads. Average arrival time was 13:52 minutes, a few seconds longer than in the previous quarter. However, the average arrival time following correction for delays as a consequence of congestion, at 12:02 minutes, was a full five seconds shorter than in the previous period. This result is in line with the increased level of congestion in the final months of the year.

The table below provides an overview of the road sections on which most accidents occurred during the first nine months of 2014. The total number of accidents in the top ten demonstrated a slight downturn as compared to previous years.

D57Koolen Garage en Bergingsbedrijfperfecte prestatie
F06C.L. int. berging, transport en chauffeursverhuur
F12Autoschade Van Kammenperfecte prestatie
F14Autobedrijf Sypersmaperfecte prestatie
F16Tolman Takel en Bergingperfecte prestatie
F19Kraan- en Bergingsbedrijf Bangmaperfecte prestatie
F20M. Hof en Zn
F21Takel-, en Bergingsbedrijf G. Thomasperfecte prestatie
FL104Delta Berging & Transport
G35Collewijn & Zn.perfecte prestatie
G38Garagebedrijf H. Fruitemaperfecte prestatie
GL235Vika Hattemerbroek
GL236Kraanbedrijf W. Stouwdamperfecte prestatie
GL239Delta Berging & Transportperfecte prestatie
GL241Delta Berging & Transport
GL242Wolves Autoberging
GL248Iliohan Borculoperfecte prestatie
GL249Van Amerongen Berging
GL265Van Amerongen Berging
GL267Houterman Autosleepdienstperfecte prestatie
GL268Autohulpdienst Ben Heiltjes
L351Autohulpdienst Ben Heiltjesperfecte prestatie
L353De Driesprongperfecte prestatie
L359Takelservice Duytsperfecte prestatie
L361Takelservice Duyts
L363Biesebos Berging
L364Van Dongen Berging
L367Van Dongen Berging
NB297Autoberging Kerstens
NB314Autobedrijf J. Paijmansperfecte prestatie
NB319Bergingsdienst.nlperfecte prestatie
NB330Autohulpdienst Ben Heiltjes
NB332Autohulpdienst Ben Heiltjesperfecte prestatie
NB336Stienen Takel- en Bergingsbedrijf
NB337Autosleepbedrijf Sprankenis
NH114Haulo Berging
NH116Haulo Berging
NH117Haulo Bergingperfecte prestatie
NH122Haulo Bergingperfecte prestatie
NH123Automobielbedrijf Schoenmaker en Zonenperfecte prestatie
NH124Garagebedrijf, Takel- en Bergdienst Van der Eng
NH126Hoogwout Berging
NH127Garage Transportbedrijf C.A. Jonkperfecte prestatie
NH141Van Rijn & Coperfecte prestatie
O84Vorgers Autoberging
U223Hoogenraad Transport
Z285Auto Kuzeeperfecte prestatie
ZH162Jan van de Graaf jr.
ZH163Jan van de Graaf jr.
ZH163aTakel- en Autobergingsbedrijf P.J. Quartel
ZH166Takel-, Berging- en Transportbedrijf A. Barendregt
ZH167Takel-, Berging- en Transportbedrijf A. Barendregt
ZH168Takel-, Berging- en Transportbedrijf A. Barendregt
ZH169Jan van de Graaf jr.perfecte prestatie
ZH173Takel-, Berging- en Transportbedrijf A. Barendregt

No rights may be derived from this overview.

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