IM recovery companies once again faster in 2012

Monday 7 May 2012 (update 22 June 2012)
The recovery companies operating on the Dutch trunk road network once again achieved faster arrival times during the first quarter of 2012. The 94 recovery companies operating on IM roads responded to 15,839 callouts. The average arrival time was 13:27 minutes. Corrected for delays as a result of traffic congestion, the average arrival time was 11:34 minutes. These figures have remained unchanged for the past three quarters.

Many recovery companies achieved performances well above average. More than in the past, the top performers included recovery companies from the Amsterdam region. Bergnet and Bergingscentrale Bollenstreek performed particularly well in NH135 (Amsterdam South-East) and NH136 (Burgerveen intersection). An overview of the companies that demonstrated excellent performance during the first quarter is enclosed in the table below.

The standby recovery vehicles stationed at strategic locations along the motorway also performed excellently. They carried out a total of 651 recovery missions, with average arrival times of 9:00 minutes, 43 seconds (7%) faster than the performance achieved in the previous quarter. It looks very much as if the standby recovery companies that started work on 1 July 2011 have now really got into the swing of things.

Districts in which the recovery companies altijd arrived within twenty minutes are marked with a perfecte prestatie. Districts in which the performance relates to multiple quarters are marked with an abbreviation for the quarters in question. In these districts, multiple quarters were needed to arrive at a total of 10 callouts.

F16Tolman Takel en Bergingperfecte prestatie
G32Takel- en Bergingsbedrijf Poort
G35Collewijn & Zonenperfecte prestatie
GL236Bergingsbedrijf W. Stouwdamperfecte prestatie
GL239Delta Berging & Transportperfecte prestatie
GL268Autohulpdienst Ben Heiltjesperfecte prestatie Q4 & Q1
L353De Driesprongperfecte prestatie
L359Takelservice Duijts
L361Biesebos Berging
L363Auto Cüppers
NB296Autobedrijf Faasenperfecte prestatie
NB299Van Egeraat Berging en Transport
NB303Ad Rutters
NB304Ad Rutters
NB311Ad Rutters
NB314Autobedrijf J. Paijmansperfecte prestatie
NB319Bergingsdienst.nlperfecte prestatie
NB329Carwash en Cleancenter Henk Mensinck
NB330Autohulpdienst Ben Heiltjes
NB337Autosleepbedrijf Sprankenisperfecte prestatie
NB339Van Egeraat Berging en Transportperfecte prestatie
NH113Haulo Bergingperfecte prestatie
NH116Haulo Berging
NH118Autobedrijf Theo Roodperfecte prestatie
NH121Autobedrijf Theo Roodperfecte prestatie
NH123Automobielbedrijf Schoenmaker en Zonen
NH124Takel- en Bergdienst Van der Eng
NH125Takel- en Bergdienst Van der Eng
NH134Bergnetperfecte prestatie
NH136Bergings Centrale Bollenstreek
O72Hooikammer Autoberging
O82Wolves Autobergingperfecte prestatie
U211Automobielbedrijf "De Zwaan"perfecte prestatie
U214Smink Hoevelaken
U220Care Schadeservice
Z285Auto Kuzee
Z287Van Hoek
ZH156Takel- en Bergingsbedrijf Vreugdenhil
ZH157Automobielbedrijf Bos
ZH161Takel- en Autobergingsbedrijf P.J. Quartel
ZH162De Haan Berging en Transport
ZH163Berging- en Transportbedrijf A. Barendregt
ZH163ABerging- en Transportbedrijf A. Barendregt
ZH164Berging- en Transportbedrijf A. Barendregt
ZH166Berging- en Transportbedrijf A. Barendregt
ZH167Berging- en Transportbedrijf A. Barendregt
ZH168Berging- en Transportbedrijf A. Barendregt
ZH169Berging- en Transportbedrijf A. Barendregt
ZH173Berging- en Transportbedrijf A. Barendregt
ZH175Berging- en Transportbedrijf A. Barendregtperfecte prestatie
ZH180Berging- en Transportbedrijf A. Barendregt

No rights may be derived from this overview.

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